Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Hurricane Florence has closed USC; WUSC station - no Blues Moon tonight

Florence is lined up to be a major disaster.

Florence's potential path as of Tuesday morning
To conserve resources for what is the biggest migration/evacuation in the history of the East Coast (perhaps the USA), the governor of SC has wisely closed state offices and schools to focus resources on protecting Life, Health and - when possible - Property.

The closure affects USC, which is the location of WUSC, the station that broadcasts my show, Blues Moon Radio - therefore I will not do my show this evening. We were going to also do a tribute to 9/11, especially because it happened seventeen years ago on a Tuesday, but the weather has other plans.

Be aware, be prepared.

Please prepare for your safety and follow the guidelines of your local emergency preparedness staff *usually by county, at least in SC* - and take measures to be safe; but also be considerate of the million+ displaced citizens who are traveling to escape this fierce storm. Get your emergency supplies, put your response plan into action (depending on where you are) and get to a safe location, then please stay off the roads except in dire need.

In SC, the best info is from www.scemd.org our Emergency Management Division.

My heart is with whomever is in Florence's path, which is still changing... Be safe and remember that YOU and your family and pets are what is important now and we will return to our usual format next week.

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