Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Blues Moon Radio theme is "feelings"... whoa whoa whoa... 20190904

Blues Moon Radio theme for tonight's show, Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2018, is "feelings"... whoa, whoa, whoa...
... NOT THAT SONG. Whew! Close call, y'all!

Tonight we'll kick off the second show of the 29th year of Blues Moon Radio with Blues Birthdays - commemorating a selection of artists who were born this week some time ago.

Below is the playlist for tonight; then a link for the playlist of extra songs we'll spread through the month of September - as time allows. Bonus Blues, babies. It's nice to get extras.

Tonight's show: Birthday artists - #s 1-9
Then: Feelings -
Extra cuts for September:
Post script - we so appreciated the outpouring of notes, emails calls and other correspondence we got about Mark Lyvers passing. It is a hole that will never be filled in our playlists, our show schedules and our hearts. Thanks to all who donated to WUSC in his name (you can send a check to WUSC c/o Sarah Scarborough, Director of Student Media, 3rd Floor Russell House University Union; USC; Columbia SC 29208 - and please indicate it is in memorium for Uncle Gram/Mark Lyvers. Thank you all. The funeral was amazing - the eulogies; the flag ceremony, Amazing Grace soloist and the live Taps for an honored vet of our military and our station.

Always in our hearts - thank you all.
 Clair DeLune
We are so happy to be back from summer hiatus! Tune in each week from 6-8 p.m. ET/USA (-5 GMT)... www.wusc.sc.edu, then click listen. Sonny Boy Jackson and I will spin you something special~!
Clair DeLune

Meet your Hosts:
Clair DeLune (at right): author of South Carolina Blues, longtime professor of Roots and Blues Music History and your host since 1990 of Blues Moon Radio; along with her valiant co-host since 2017, Sonny Boy Red Jackson (at left, doing his best RCA Dog impression).

In the meantime, if you feel as if you need some great Blues music... don't forget our underwriters:
Our supporters:
As always we thank our long-time underwriters, who help bring great music to the Midlands all year around, because we could not imagine our show without their input and support:  Papa Jazz Record Shoppe, Word of Mouth Productions AND South Carolina Blues. You can link to these orgs by clicking on the visuals...



This blog is brought to you  in part by:

South Carolina Blues
500 years of roots and blues music history in S.C.
Clair DeLune
on Arcadia Publishing 



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