Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Blues Moon Radio returns for 29th year with sad news

We are somber as we approach what would have been a celebratory show surrounding the show's kickoff of its 29th year with host Clair DeLune.

Our brother in arms, fellow DJ and longtime dear friend, Mark Lyvers - aka Uncle Gram - has died. I am having trouble finding the words and probably won't get through without crying, so I'll post my tribute to him here...

I am not a person of few words. I simply cannot pay adequate tribute to Uncle Gram - what a wonderful person he was to so many and how much he and his family have meant to me, personally, as dearest friends over the past 30 years. Our station is not a regular station – it is a family – a community – and we embrace our dear listeners. He was the very best at connecting the music to the listeners, and believe me, y’all felt it and let him know you did. He felt your appreciation and was far too shy to be anything but more humbled by that – but I could tell it meant so much to him. If I WERE a person of few words, the word I would use to describe my dear friend, my big music bro Mark Lyvers, who is better known as Uncle Gram -- host for 20+ years of the revered Red Bank Bar and Grill Radio Saturday morning Americana music show, where he served as our encyclopedia, that word would be: FIDELITY… fidelity to his family, his friends and in his beloved music. Go with God, Mark. You were truly “left of the dial and right in our ears – our own Awesome Alternative.” We will love and miss you always.

I had already put the show together when he died Sunday, but revamped most of the first hour to pay tribute to this icon of WUSC and the Midlands. So, I'm uncertain what on the original playlist we'll get through for the second half of the show - sorry... but here are the playlists we'll choose from, for those who like to follow along:

We had to drop item 6 out - it contained a radio no-no.
That would have made Mark laugh...

 Those who give us joy through music live in our hearts forever,
Be good to each other... with love,
Clair DeLune

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