The Carolinas took a beating (and a flooding, with more to come) this past week. The waiting, then the lingering of the storm as it crawled through, dumping more rain than imaginable - breaking records in a way we don't want them broken and breaking trees, cars, houses, and some lives, but not the Carolina spirit.
And now we are getting a big wave of rain again - but Columbia was very lucky - fortunate to have been spared the brunt - unlike coastal areas like Wilmington and inland areas like Fayetteville, and areas in the Pee Dee which are under flood watch for some time as rivers crest some 30 feet over their flood levels. It will get worse before it gets better.
There are so many ways people can help - stuff is good, but the American Red Cross and Salvation Army are two associations who know how to deliver relief and all you need to deliver is some money if you can spare it.
We thank you for that.
For this evening, we are going to reclaim a semblance of normalcy as a way to get back to a world that makes sense. I hope it helps in some small way.
Here's what I'll be doing tonight - this show was slated for 9/11.
We'll kick off with three artists slated to be at the Carolina Downhome Blues Festival in Camden the first Th-Sat in October.
Then some Blues birthday commemorations.
The 9/11 tribute.
Then a little Queen and King music, just for fun.
We'll fill in with this and that as a surprise zig and zag.
Here's what we know we'll cover:
One other thing - something nice to put on your calendar - Sept. 27 at noon at the State Library on Senate Street in Columbia SC I will be "Speaker at the Center" talking about South Carolina Blues (the book and the history of the music). I hope you can come!
Wishing you peace, health, happiness and always HOPE,
Clair DeLune and Sonny Boy Red Jackson
Tune in each week from 6-8 p.m. ET/USA (-5 GMT)..., then click listen. Sonny Boy Jackson and I will spin you something special~!
Clair DeLune
Meet your Hosts:
Clair DeLune (at right): author of South Carolina Blues, longtime professor of Roots and Blues Music History and your host since 1990 of Blues Moon Radio; along with her valiant co-host since 2017, Sonny Boy Red Jackson (at left, doing his best RCA Dog impression).
In the meantime, if you feel as if you need some great Blues music... don't forget our underwriters:
Our supporters:
As always we thank our long-time underwriters, who help bring great music to the Midlands all year around, because we could not imagine our show without their input and support: Papa Jazz Record Shoppe, Word of Mouth Productions AND South Carolina Blues. You can link to these orgs by clicking on the visuals... This blog is brought to you in part by:
South Carolina Blues
500 years of roots and blues music history in S.C.
by Clair DeLune
on Arcadia Publishing
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