Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Wrapping up our 28th year at Blues Moon Radio 2018.04.24

Can you believe tonight I'll be wrapping up my 28th year at Blues Moon Radio?


Yep - last day of the semester for me at WUSC - 6-8 p.m. (see photo above for tuning). Going to work on music and writing and art projects this summer - sort of like being a kid again - will loll by the pool annoying my parents; waking up at the crack of noon whether I need to or not; and lounging around with the kitties, pup and horses.

If I feel like writing, painting, throwing pots, sewing or working on projects I will. Then back to "school" in August. Hey. I am going to need new sneakers. "Daaaaaad, I need money!"

Just kidding - about asking Dad. I DO need new sneaks.

Now, whose pool needs a semi-pro "loller?" ha!

And speaking of needing money - I need our show's listeners and fans to pitch in and help me "earn my slot" in the fall:

We also have the final week of our FUNdraiser going on - and I need to thank you for your previous support while simultaneously managing to plead, beg and exhort you AGAIN to be generous within your means and click on the site and be sure to enter your name (let that appear) and do an "In Honor Of" Blues Moon Radio and Clair DeLune - if you want me back in the fall, please vote with your Benjamins and let the new program director know that a 29th year of BMR is a gooooooood thing.

Here is the secure University of South Carolina link for online donations. If you prefer to send a check, I think you can do that, too... just send in care of Sarah Scarborough at Student Media Russell House UU University of South Carolina Columbia SC 29208

But the online link is: https://crowdfunding.giving.sc.edu/project/10062/wall


Our Papa Jazz Artist of the Week is Tampa Red - elegant picking, there!

Our is Word of Mouth Productions dot ORG Artist of the Week is Mac Arnold and Plate Full O Blues. Our SC Blues Artist of the Week is Mac Arnold and Plate Full O Blues, too!

Mac Arnold and Plate Full O Blues - Earlewood Park
Plate Full O Blues - Austin Brashier and Max Hightower
Mac Arnold and Clair DeLune - Cornbread Fest Columbia SC 4/21/18

Mac's having a birthday in June, and we just saw him at one Cornbread Festival and he's having his own annual Cornbread and Collard Greens Festival soon, so he is getting double honors on our farewell for summer show.

Today also happens to be East Meets West Day on the oddball calendar, so our playlist will feature these cuts:

We'll have the amazing sound guy, Dave Alewine, on the show from the Jam Room Studios talking about a fundraiser for a local musician at Foxfield Bar and Grille.

And a little bit of this and that, including notification of my next speaking engagement for South Carolina Blues (the book) ... at the Lexington Library on June 12th IRMO BRANCH! 6 p.m. - Free - but you are going to WANT a book or two so please bring some cash ($24/per book -  buy several, they make great gifts, and I will sign them and inscribe to whomever you wish). See you there!

Don't forget to love up on those who make this show possible:
Papa Jazz Record Shoppe
Word of Mouth Productions
South Carolina Blues on Arcadia Publishing

AND YOU, my lovely listeners, without whom this show could be done from my living room, but I do it over the air because Mama Clair Bear loves to share - because she cares!

All the best from yours truly:
"Sonny Boy Red" Jackson and me - we look forward to serving you up some red hot Blues! We'll see you tonight and again in mid-August to kick off YEAR 29. Dang... that's a lot.
Clair DeLune


Our supporters:

As always we thank our long-time underwriters, who help bring great music to the Midlands all year around, because we could not imagine our show without their input and support:  Papa Jazz Record Shoppe, Word of Mouth Productions AND South Carolina Blues.
You can link to these orgs by clicking on the visuals...
This blog is brought to you  in part by:

South Carolina Blues
500 years of roots and blues music history in S.C.
Clair DeLune
on Arcadia Publishing 

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