Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Blues Moon Radio Returns! 6/6/17 at 6 p.m. WUSC

Blues Moon Radio is back on the air after a month of music research and procurement!

RockyDawg, Blues Defender, and Clair DeLune, professor of roots music history and author of "South Carolina Blues" welcome you back for a kickoff to summer that just might make history...

... thanks to all who tune in, and to the musicians who make it possible, as well as a special tip of the fedora to our listener donors and longtime underwriters PapaJazz.com and WordofMouthProductions.org, as we welcome our newest underwriter, Classical Glass at: classicalglasssc.com/.

Tonight's show kicks off with some current events references (we're living in interesting times!).

Next we'll cover our Word of Mouth Artist of the Week, Elliott and the Untouchables, followed by tributes to seven early June Blues birthday artists. Our final birthday commemoration is Howlin' Wolf, our Papa Jazz Record Shoppe Artist of the Month.

Editor's Note: IF the host were allowed to pick just one favorite Blues artist, which she is not, so don't even ASK her to give you a hint, it would be Howlin' Wolf. Shhhh, don't tell. We love everyone else so much that favorites don't matter, but... yeah. Howlin' Wolf makes her heart sing in a way that is indescribable. But you didn't hear that from her. It might be the howlin' because she loves me so much when I howl... that is all. RawkyDawg, co-host and spiller of secrets.
Next, we'll give our newest underwriter, Classical Glass, a hearty welcome with a song about windows. Yes. Blues songs about windows exist and I found the perfect one for our welcome to our talented stained glass window makers.

Artists who will appear at July's Greenwood Blues Cruise (dry land, not on a boat, y'all) will favor us with a set.

We had met two artists in the past year, but just got their music, so while it is not hot off the presses, it is new to the show and we're thrilled to share these artists whom we think everyone will be cravin' and ravin' about:
Vinnie C
Packrat's Smokehouse
Finishing up with old friends like Eddie Clearwater, Doug Jay, Duke Robillard and then tossing back to the 50s for one of my favorite romps with Eddie Cochran will finish out the official show...

... but because we might have a few minutes to fill, we've set aside some Summertime Blues and Sun themed recordings... we'll pick from that when we have time this summer.

Stay tuned for a great Summer of Blues Love, y'all... thanks for tuning in each and every Tuesday.
Clair and RockyDawg

So you don't forget each week, please set your electronic reminders now, and mark your calendar in BLUE... Tuesday is Bluesday - get your Blues licks and six and don't be late because we're gone at eight. Eastern time - USA (usually minus 5 GMT, but adjust for DST... the show is on Atlanta & NYC time zone, FYI) at www.wusc.sc.edu, then click LISTEN to stream (or you can enter using iTunes, then college and university radio, then WUSC).

Please LIKE and FOLLOW this blog and the Blues Moon Radio page on Facebook and Twitter, then search for Blues Moon Radio. Believe me, it makes a difference in our ability to bring you this music for free, so we thank you!

Don't forget to like and follow our supporters, too, and buy the book about South Carolina Blues - you can order it from the author if you want a signed copy. Contact me on Facebook, or click the links below.

As always we thank our long-time underwriters, who help bring great music to the Midlands all year around, because we could not imagine our show without their input and support:  Papa Jazz Record Shoppe and Word of Mouth Productions. You can link to these orgs by clicking on the visuals...
This blog is brought to you  in part by:

South Carolina Blues
500 years of roots and blues music history in S.C.
Clair DeLune
on Arcadia Publishing

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