Monday, December 11, 2017

Winter holiday hiatus! Back in mid-January 2018

We're scurrying off to our winter's musical hibernation ... Blues Moon is gathering nuts for next semester's playlists and will return with bells (and other musical instruments) on in 2018 - not certain if the New Year in Radio will begin Jan 9 or 16th, but will announce it here.

Many thanks for the wonderful donors who came through on the fundraiser!

SUPERhero thanks to our underwriters:

Don't forget - if you are gifting... my book, South Carolina Blues, makes a lovely and lasting gift for any history, music, blues or SC fan.

Signed copies are available for the price of the book plus tax, and shipping and handling. Please PRINT your recipient's name and if you'd like it gift wrapped - please include a check for $28 dollars made out to Clair DeLune and I'll get this book right to your recipient. For online orders, contact me via GMAIL - the address is BluesMoonRadio - and I can direct you to a PayPal account that manages online transactions for us.

Having that book on as many shelves as possible is MY Christmas wish! Thank you to all who have it on their bookshelves, and/or have gifted it.

The book is also available at Papa Jazz on Greene Street in Five Points (Cola SC) and at Uptown Gifts on Main at Gervais, and last I looked, they have them at Mast General on Main.

And many wishes for a wonderful holiday season for all my listeners - no matter what holiday(s) you celebrate. One of my favorites at this time of year is the bright new year - full of possibilities and inspiration.

Warmest wishes from your usual gang of hosts:
Clair DeLune
Sonny Boy Red Jackson
Rocky Dawg Blues Defender
Lawdy Miss Clawdy
Kee Kee the Magnificent (aka Stinkerbell)
Tippa and Tuffy the tag team terribles.

Also to: R and S, who never co-hosted, but always inspire.

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