Tuesday, November 7, 2017

FUN with FUNdraiser week on WUSC and Blues Moon Radio

Yes, everyone - wipe those Halloween cobwebs off your dusty wallets and prepare to give generously to continue to have the opportunity for me to voluntarily provide 20 hours a week to the search for, and playing of, great and obscure Blues and Roots music on Blues Moon Radio, WUSC's flagship program of fabulosity.

Each fall and spring semester, the amazingly hard-working and dedicated leadership teams at WUSC (an educational station at the University of South Carolina for 75+ years) are tasked by the Board of Trustees (or someone equally important in the scheme of things, but what do I know... I'm a lousy deejay?) to raise a significant portion of our station's operating expenses.

Now, we keep those costs low-low-low by using volunteer labor (that would be me and my cohorts) who dedicate their expertise and time to the incredibly important charitable efforts of educating listeners around the globe about new and obscure artists and styles of music that are rarely focused on in mainstream (cough, choke, urk) radio - not that there is anything WRONG with mainstream (gag, squeak, faint) radio or anything like that. Nooooo. Of course not (choke, gasp!).

So, we dedicated souls who fight our way in from the outside amid vulture parking lot horrors and risk weaving our cars through narrow lanes dodging students walking across streets while gazing raptly at their iPhones... those of us who could just as easily be sitting home listening to our vast, museum-quality collection of rarities without interruption to our lives in order to broadcast and share those beautiful notes with you... well, we have to beseech you. WE NEED YOUR HELP... please. Pretty please, in fact.

Our secure portal (run by the development office at USC - those savvy souls who know about IT and IP protocols and protections for when they handle the big money) programming geniuses are willing to help us raise our tiny little wee goal of $7K this semester on the internet interface. Grateful!

My listeners are smattered far and wide across the globe and for the most part are non-students. Meaning y'all work. That equates to a paycheck. So pony up, peeps. "Mama" means it. And she is weary of asking and not getting.

I'm close to having done 60 of these fundraisers and I'm going to apologize in advance because I'm cutting to the chase and telling it like it is - I am not staying on the air if y'all don't show you care about a show hosted by Clair.


I know. How horridly rude and ungracious can I get? Oy. Don't ask. Just donate.

I'm being semi-silly at this point but the truth is that I don't raise at least $1K of it personally dedicated to my efforts, I am going to have trouble lifting my nether regions off my soft sofie and draggin' it from my comfy den down to the station each Tuesday Bluesday so that I can share my compilation artistry and long years of research about the Blues lore with stingy people who seem reluctant to pay a penny on the dollar for what it's worth.

I think if each of y'all could donate what it costs me to park each week (it will go to the station, not back in my pocket). If you all did that, we'd reach $7K in an instant. $5/apiece. Or, because we know some of you are so tight you won't pay me or Wikipedia a lousy fin (by the way - pony up to them, too, ya nutz! Lordy mercy.) I am asking for at least ten of you to spark out $100 - and you'll get some cool thank you gifts. But hey. Whatever works for you.

Bottom line: you gotsta start fueling WUSC up if you want me to rev my Blues engines anymore. I'm close to the end of a very long run, and maybe you only miss your water when the well runs dry? By then it will be too late.

It's so starkly simple I'm sorry, but I'm emotionally blackmailing you - I admit it. Shameless beg.

For you sweeti-kins who have and do donate, please be sure to say you donated on behalf of Blues Moon Radio or it won't count into my "Why should I bother returning?" tally of monetary love to keep me on come January. And thank you to my regular donors - without whom I could not muster the spirit to go on. YOU are truly THA'BESSEST.

That is all, y'all. Mama wants the rest of you to snap into shape here. I'm not doing it without lots of help anymore. I got the "Make it and Shake It Loose, Give Me That Money Blues" for youse...

Said with love. Uh-huh. We'll see about that when the counting is done. Pay the piper and let's put this whole ugly begging episode behind us, eh?

You have another few weeks to get this done - but let's rock a bunch out this week... just to cheer Mama up.

Click on the donate link at www.wusc.sc.edu
Walk through the steps - and be sure you enter a reason why - that reason could be "I cannot continue life on this planet as we know it if the Blues Moon with Clair DeLune is not a part of the programming." Or for you less erudite poets: Blues Moon Radio. I'm not picky. Provide your info - I'm working on some prizes that will be faboo, and you should get a thank you for your generosity. I'm not a devil, you know.

Here is a direct link: https://crowdfunding.giving.sc.edu/project/8295#new_tab

Clair and Jaxi-Dawg

Tonight's begathon back-pocket browbeating is brought to you by these fine songs - now, get out of here, ya big lunkhead! xoxo 

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