Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Chicago Tribune: Is this the twilight of blues music?

Well-written piece detailing the risk of losing Chicago Blues and what might be done to save it. Please read past the inserted ads and links... the article covers three pages and is worth reading for music, culture AND Blues fans.


It was shocking to me that only 30 people attended Hubert Sumlin's funeral. I would have thought the closest one could get would be the church parking lot, if even that close.

Let's hope we don't lose this music along with its originators, except in the historic sense - my fear is that this writer is right on target.


Anonymous said...

hey there, recent subscriber of your blog. thanks for sharing these awesome links and essays. im currently devouring them.

i agree totally. as a bluesman out here in South Africa, blues is on the fringes of consciousness. it will take a great force of will to bring it back to make it real and relevant again to all. im one of those contributing to that will.

Blues Moon Radio with Clair DeLune said...

Dear Midiane... Thank you so much for commenting - I am glad to know you are out there - it is a "tough row to hoe" as they say in the rural South here when you consider many of those working to keep Blues alive are having to work a day job; learn the music, play at night and keep a family life going... it's a more than full-time endeavor! :) Thanks for checking out the site and I hope to do even more when I get some time. Keep me posted on what you are up to... interested in hearing more from your perspective and geographical vantage point!